Wellbeing Webinars
A programme of wellbeing webinars for all staff to optimise mental health and personal effectiveness.
What are they?
Interactive and engaging 60 minute online webinars. Proven to be effective, enjoyable and memorable.
These can be delivered as a series or individually.
There is no limit on the number of delegates - our largest is 200!
Our webinars are very popular with staff. DWF Group’s annual rollout of webinar dates was fully signed 30 minutes after going live.
Increased wellbeing and positive mental health within the business.
Staff appreciation that their organisation recognises their needs (around mental health and wellbeing) and is prepared to offer this support.
Improved staff morale, loyalty, retention and productivity.
Free wellbeing webinar
Webinar Series
This webinar helps explore how to look after ourselves and others as a crucial part of surviving and thriving.
The last few years we have been living through unprecedented global challenges. If we can embrace the complexity of our own humanity and fully experience our thoughts, feelings and behaviour we are more likely to come out of these experiences wiser, humbler and more connected.
We are living in difficult times with high levels of uncertainty and fear.
This webinar builds on the previous ‘Looking After Yourself and Others’ webinar and helps explore how to look after ourselves and others as a crucial part of surviving and thriving.
Sleep is a crucial factor in health and wellbeing. Sleep problems include insomnia, hypersomnia (excessive daytime tiredness), vivid dreams and fatigue even after sleep. Sleep problems are often one of the first signs that we need to pay attention to ourselves and work out what is wrong.
This webinar offers a mix of facts, interesting information about the brain, some assessment and analysis of delegates’ sleep and dreams and it provides useful tips on improving sleep.
Humans have evolved to feel stress and anxiety. Living life to the full, including thriving at work, means experiencing uncomfortable and painful feelings. However, often stress and anxiety can become overwhelming and impede our enjoyment of life and our ability to function at our best.
This webinar will examine these issues and provide some ideas/tools about how to understand and reduce our stress and anxiety, particularly in the workplace.
This is a practical webinar helping delegates understand the key components of resilience and start to look at their own strengths, personality traits, coping mechanisms and resilience.
Resilience is about how we can positively adapt in the face of life’s difficulties – our bounce-back-ability. It is not about ‘being strong’, pretending everything is ok and hiding our feelings.
Resilience is about facing difficult experiences and finding a way through them, surviving those experiences and then recognising that we are strengthened as a result.
Building on the Resilience Webinar delivered in late 2020, this workshop will focus on how to be resilient in the face major challenges facing the world: global instability and Climate Change.
This interactive webinar will explore confidence in the context of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviours and look at ways of building greater self-belief.
Confidence is believing in yourself. Often people are confident in some parts of their lives and not in other parts. Society tends to put a value on external evidence of confidence like being loud and extroverted. However, it is an internal process that has more to do with our thoughts and feelings about ourselves and how we fit in with others and the wider world. It is important to acknowledge that there are societal structures that impact on the confidence of certain groups and individuals in communities.
This interactive webinar explores the two sides of control and discusses when to hold on and when to let go.
Everyone likes to have some control over their lives and our need for control (or relinquishing control) is often rooted in our past experiences. The need for control can lead to perfectionism, anxiety and relationship problems. And on the flip side the refusal to take responsibility can lead to passivity, depression and agitation.
As winter starts a focus on our wellbeing is important. How do we survive and even thrive during the long dark nights ? This interactive webinar explores what is happening to us physically and psychologically during winter and learns from the wisdom of the far north , providing strategies to help us through.
This is a practical webinar giving delegates the opportunity to think about their own mental health through a guided self-assessment. It will include some of the main mental health problems people face including low mood/depression, stress and anxiety, low confidence/assertiveness and unhelpful thinking. It will also include an extended opportunity to ask questions
Emotional literacy includes:
*The ability to understand and regulate our own feelings and emotions.
*The ability to listen to others and empathise with their feelings and emotions.
*The ability to express emotions appropriately.
This webinar opens the lid on depression talking a good look at what it is like and how we can spot the early signs in ourselves and others. It also examines suicide demystifying what is often a taboo subject that people fear to talk about. The webinar is interactive and includes practical tips and strategies.
Most people are decent and have good intentions but there is often poor behaviour in the workplace. This interactive workshop will address drama between work colleague and teams: understanding it, exploring it and looking at how to reduce and resolve it.
Effective conversations in the workplace about mental health and wellbeing can be daunting. This interactive workshop gives practice advice and techniques to support those conversations. The workshop is for two groups 1. those who want to explain their mental health challenges to others and 2. colleagues who want to be supportive to those experiencing mental health challenges.
In these times where uncertainty is our constant companion and there has been so much change in so many parts of our lives, this webinar will help to navigate the new normal. It will explore, using interactive exercises, how we deal with uncertainty and change.
Item description
How it works…
60-minute webinars delivered through an online platform — this can be hosted by you or us
Live video and PowerPoint with interactive exercises, polls and anonymous contributions from delegates through chat or question functionality.
There is also the option for purchasing a recorded version of a session with an annual license that provides flexibility for delegates to access it in their own time.
The sessions are completely flexible and can be altered to meet your needs — contact us to find out more.
£500 for one hour delivery
£800 for annual license to recording